Tuesday 30 July 2013

Restoring Rubber Vehicle Parts Using Brake Fluid - Does It Work ?

During the stripdown of the Kawasaki I have noticed that most of the rubber parts on the bike have hardened and some have even started to crack.

Now normally I would just buy or make some new ones but the idea of this blog is to try and do as much as possible for free.

So with this in mind I have decided to try and restore the original parts without buying any special products and just use what I have lying around.

There are many different ideas floating around the net on how to restore rubber but the one I have decided on is soaking them in brake fluid.

There were two main reasons for this decision, firstly I had some old brake fluid lying around that I was going to depose of anyway so it would be free to do and secondly it required very little work, just drop the part in some brake fluid and wait.

So I will try this in the next few days and post the results good or bad.

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