The Stripdown, How I did it

The first decision to make if you are going to take on a project is how far are you going to go.
Do you just do the minnimum needed to tidy it up and mak it safe or are you going ti strip it completely and do a complete rebuild.
The other decision to make is are you going to restore to standard spec or are you going to tune or customize and if so how far and how much money are you going to spend doing it.

My Decisions are:-

  1. Completely strip down to the last nut and bolt
  2. Customise and tune to the best of my abillity
  3. Spend as near to zero pounds on doing the whole thing as I can
  4. All the above may be subject to change !
So here we go in step by step pictures

Remove the seat Tank and sidepanels See post on 19 July 2013

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