Thursday 11 July 2013

Rain stops play !

Rain Stops Play !

My decision to try and do this rebuild at home seemed simple enough.
I wanted to work on a bike like I did as a teenager, outside in the garden 
with just the basic tools I had at the time and usually with no money either.

  1. I knew I would not be able to use all my tools and equipment as they are at my workshop out of town.
  2. I knew I would be spending as little as I could get away with, just to see how much could be done on a very small budget.
  3. I knew that only working on the bike in my spare time after work would mean it wont get done in a few weeks, its going to be more like 5 months
  4. I knew that working on parts inside my home ( I do not have a workshop at home ) would not please my wife !

but that was going to be the point of this challenge and I was going to be quite strict on myself and follow the rules I set above and I have decided to do this blog partly as a way of enforcing those rules as that way you are watching me and will hopefully encourage me and keep me true to these rules.


I forgot about the BLOODY RAIN !

I expected to have the bike completely striped into its major components by now but it has rained every night since I decided to do this.

So as soon as its dry I will start but for now its just sitting there getting even more rusty.

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